Exchange Year Experience Essay

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Going to college in America has always been one of my biggest dreams. Since I was very young I used to watch a lot of movies about high school and college in the States and I’ve always dreamed so much about it. When I was sixteen I decided that Europe and Italy were not the only places I wanted to see and live in during my life. I wanted to travel and experience new things and new cultures, I wanted to learn how to speak a new language and change the way I looked at things. I left for my exchange year during the summer of 2014, I was alone and very scared, I knew I was not going to se my family or my friends for a full year but I also knew how much this experience could have gave me. I lived my exchange year in North Dakota, I met so many amazing people there and learned about so many things; my exchange year completely changed me. …show more content…

There have been some very important and though moments, moments where I got extremely scared and sad and other moments where I cried of joy because I was so happy about everything I was experiencing. One of the hardest moments for me was having to go back to Italy. Having to say goodbye to my host family, my best friends, my boyfriend and my American dog. Walking up to that gate the morning I left North Dakota broke my

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