Importance Of Personal Writing

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As I sat down on my soft, comfy couch, gazed out the window, and watched the snow fall on a blistering cold February morning in 2011, I thought to myself,” I need to stop wasting my life. I want to pursue a career that will make people look up to me and say,” I am proud to know you. Because of you, I didn’t give up on my dreams.” I feel like people didn’t respect me because I was not working and I was not making any progress with my life. I was tired of people looking at me like I was nothing. As tears streamed down my face, I thought to myself, “Having a job that I am passionate and would show my talent would mean everything to me.”
Tears were running down my face as I reached for the remote, and switched the channel to NASCAR on FOX. As …show more content…

I thought, “So you are telling me that my writing is not good and I need a tutor?” I think the comment I got from my English Essentials teacher made me lose confidence in my ability to write well. When my teacher helped us with peer review discussions each week, I got even more discouraged with my writing. She paired us with a peer review partner every week, but she also gave us feedback. My eyes were as big as saucers as I looked at my essay. It looked like my essay was her coloring book; I saw red streaks all over my essay (her suggestions/ edits). After every negative feedback I received, I wondered if journalism was right for me. Honestly, I thought, “Can I truly become a journalist? Maybe I should change my major and become a nurse, like my sister.” I started to lose focus on the dreams I had when I entered …show more content…

Although the negative feedback decreased my confidence, I used the feedback to improve my essays. My final writing assignment in my English Essentials class was interesting, and I used a variety of words. I learned how to use a variety of words in my writing, so it does not sound like I am repeating myself. Also, I noticed that I did not provide enough information in my pre-test persuasive essay. Negative feedback can be frustrating, especially when you have a teacher that is not encouraging, but I have to remember that I am not perfect. I am in college to learn and become a better

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