Importance Of Business Degree

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“I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more of it I have.” –Thomas Jefferson. A Business degree is a very common and widely chosen major. People that have chosen Business as a major have different reasons for picking it, but, all have the same outlook, work hard and make money. In a Business degree, there are some specific areas that target different aspects of the business world such as: Marketing, Accounting, Finance, International Business, and Economics. This degree should be thought of if someone is undecided, not only because it helps you for find a job, but also helps open many entry-level roles upon graduation, make a lot of money, and could potentially help the US grow and develop. Business degrees open up …show more content…

Certain areas in the business world also changes the salary, “ Sales management- $105,206; Finance Management- $109,740; Human Resources- $99,720; Hospitality Management- $48,810; Health Care Administration-$88,580; Marketing Management- $115,750.” ( Business Administration Salary and Job Outlook. Web. 10/28/15) More common areas such as Accounting, Human Resources, IT Management, and Marketing can receive a six figure salary. “Accounting: Entry-level accountants earn up to $50,000, the median salary is approximately $67,000, and ten years of experience can earn about $80,000 annually. Human Resources: A mid-level human resources professional can expect to earn between $48,000 and $80,000, annually. Top-level salaries can reach $180,000. IT Management: The median earnings are $80,000 per year. Top-level IT managers earn more than $350,000 per year. Marketing: Marketing professionals earn anywhere from $30,000 for an entry-level position to $145,000 at the senior level.”( How Much Money Can You Earn with a Business Degree? Web. 10/28/15). No matter what field of business there is an opportunity to make a lot of money, and these jobs help the government and market grow with …show more content…

Many people believe different ideas of why business degrees are not so great. I asked around and a few people answered. “You have to deal with your own financial problems, have to deal with employees, ability to manage time wisely, have to create a business that is not going to fail or help run a company that is not going to fail” (Kylie Kassa. 10/29/15. Interview) Other reasons why business degrees are not that great is that tons of people go after business degrees, and you do not even need a business degree to work in business. “One in every five new college grads is a business major” and “An employer survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers indicates that workplaces most value three skills: Communication, Analytic, and Teamwork skills. ( 8 Reasons Not to Get a Business Degree. 2011.

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