Why Education Is Important: Why Is Education Important?

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You’re out of high school finally, what’s next? The most common answer would be “college”, but why are you saying that? Are you saying it to please your parents, or you just want to get away from your hometown for a while. Then they are people that don’t go to college and think that having just a high school diploma is ok and working at McDonalds they whole life is good. Some people think education is important because they can make money and have a better job than someone with a high school degree. I don’t think like that. My reasons why I thought that education was important was because I want to broaden my mind, become more than a stereotype, and have a better chance of being successful. The first reason why I think education is important is because I want to broaden my mind. I’ve haven’t been many places out of Philadelphia so I think that this is important. I don’t think that you should be comfortable with just being in the same environment your whole life. I want to learn how the world works and how people think. With you going to college you can do all of that. You could study …show more content…

I am an 18-year old black male, people that fit that description doesn’t really have the best response. Usually people think that black males are up to no good and have no aspirations in life. They think that we are usually selling drugs, smoking weed, trying to be the next Michael Jordan, or uneducated. Some people are so ignorant that they think that you could fit into a box because of how you look. I don’t fit into any of those categories but if you didn’t know me you maybe would put me into that box. With me expanding my education gives me the opportunity to get a piece of paper that cost around $120,000 that states that I have graduated college. It may be pricey but I rather be in debt most of my life because of student loans besides working at McDonalds until I’m

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