Why Are People Afraid of Technology?

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Ever since the dawn of time, curiosity has driven mankind into the intriguing revolution of technology. Beginning with simple, fire-starting techniques by use of stick and stone and advancing into complex, space-exploring odysseys, civilization has created endless scientific and technological discoveries. By looking at this developmental progress, one can notice that culture as a whole has been and will continue to be affected by technology. In an era where this kind of change is rapidly increasing, there are those who are afraid of its power. But do these concerns outweigh the amount of positive influence that ever-evolving industrial science brings? Technology allows culture to evolve by creating solutions to problems by removing constraints that exist. Every invention and concept is expanded on to create the utmost perfect solution. Although this process can take decades, or even centuries, to actually develop a proficient resolution, the end result is what advances society industrially. There are conflicting views, however, if these advances are beneficially or maliciously affecting society (Coget). There are three kinds of people in regards to the attitude toward technology: technophiles, technophobes, and those who aren't biased in either regard (Coget). Technophiles understand that the world adapts to the advances in technology and uses them to improve their lives (Tenner). Technophobes observe technology as damaging or are uncomfortable in using it (DeVany). It is undeniable that technology is ever-expanding, thus peaking curiosity to uncover what fuels the fear behind the technophobes. Our focus is concentrated on the technophiles and the technophobes . I will begin with the latter as they contribute greatly to the ov... ... middle of paper ... ...y For Information Science36.3 (1985): 178-183. Business Source Complete. Web. 22 Apr. 2014. Tenner, Edward. "Confessions of A Technophile." Raritan 22.1 (2002): 135. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Apr. 2014. Thimbleby, Harold. "Technology And The Future Of Healthcare."Journal Of Public Health Research 2.3 (2013): 160-167. Academic Search Premier. Web. 27 Apr. 2014. Tosun, Leman Pinar, and Timo Lajunen. "Why Do Young Adults Develop A Passion For Internet Activities? The Associations Among Personality, Revealing “True Self” On The Internet, And Passion For The Internet." Cyberpsychology & Behavior 12.4 (2009): 401- 406. Business Source Complete. Web. 27 Apr. 2014. Van de Watering, M. (2005) The Impact of Computer Technology on the Elderly. Zajicek, M. (2001): Interface Design for Older Adults, Proceedings of the EC/NSF. Academic Search Premier. Web 7 Apr. 2014.

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