Eating Disorders And Eating Disorder

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At some point every little girl dreams of being a model, they want to be skinny and beautiful like the girls they see in magazines. Often these young girls start wanting more and more to look this way, so much that it becomes an obsession, they think that looking like those models is a must. Once girls reach adolescents they begin to make drastic changes to get that look they have always dreamed of having. The obsessions of these teenagers over how they look or how much they weigh has led to an increase in the amount of people who have acquired an eating disorder trying achieve that “ideal” appearance. To fully understand what these people are dealing with it is important that one takes a look at what an eating disorder is, what different types of eating disorders there are, and what can be done to treat and eating disorder.
An eating disorder is defined as illnesses of irregular eating habits and severe distress or concern about body weight or body shape. It is often characterized by inadequate or excessive food intake, which can also lead to permanent damage of one’s health and well-being. Eating disorders can occur in both males and females, it generally starts during one’s teenage years, but can occur at any stage during life. There are three different types of eating disorders that are typically the most common and most talked about eating disorders and they are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder (Ekern).
All of these eating disorders ordinarily coexist with another type of psychological conditions such as any kind of anxiety disorders, substance abuses, and depression. Although the specific cause is still remains unknown many psychologist speculate that the combination of biological, psychologica...

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... is specifically for treating eating disorders there are medicines that do help with it. The medicines a doctor will prescribe to someone with an eating disorder are antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilizers. These three medicines are all approved by the Food and Drug Administration in the United States (The National Institute of Mental Health)
Even though those young girls have always dreamed of being a model they are putting themselves into danger while trying to achieve that look. The obsessions of these teenagers over how they look or how much they weigh has led to an increase in the amount of people who have acquired an eating disorder trying achieve that “ideal” appearance. Most time when these girls get to look like what they have been trying to look like they will still see themselves as overweight, causing their eating disorder to get even worse.

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