Why America Fights? Wars and Propaganda

599 Words2 Pages

Susan Brewer brilliantly illustrates the historical facts of American government propagating violence. Scrutinizing the Philippine War, World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and the Iraq War the reader discovers an eerily Orwellian government manipulating her citizens instead of educating them. Brewer states, a "propaganda campaign seeks to disguise a paradoxical message: war is not a time for citizens to have an informed debate and make up their own minds even as they fight in the name of freedom to do just that." pg. 7 The Presidents of the United States and their administrations use propaganda, generation, after generation to enter into foreign wars for profit by manipulating the truth, which it is unnecessary for our government to do to her people. The first war the United States government used propaganda in an aggressive manner was the Philippine-American War. Our government wanted to annex the Philippines before another country such as, Germany or Japan, could take power in the region and to build a strong foothold in Asia in to advance American commerce...

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