Pet Psychic Essay

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Often we have conversations with our pets throughout the day. For a non-pet lover, our conversations can seem, well odd. Have you ever wondered if our pets really understand us? It turns out they do.

I’ve always been interested in psychic abilities. True, I don’t think I posses any personally, but I’ve had people in my life or even complete strangers tell me something about myself that sent chills down my spine. Often I feel that my pets are trying to let me know how they feel. As a devoted pet owner, I learn to interpret their body language in hopes to understanding what they want. Like most pet owners, there are times when there’s obvious miscommunication—just what exactly do they want? That’s when you seek the services of a pet psychic. …show more content…

She helps people communicate with their pets (of any type). Her gift of communication with animals has been with her for her entire life. Boo believes that everybody posses an ability to communicate with animals. After all, humans and animals are not very different, we just have different forms. Learning how to communicate takes skill, practice and the ability to remain neutral. I sat down with Boo to find out how she speaks to animals and what they want us to know about them

How do you talk to the animals?
It’s a combination of telepathy and the four psychic senses. Telepathy is where thoughts, visuals verbal and feelings (emotional and physical) are sent directly back and forth from mind to mind. The four psychic senses are clairvoyance (seeing) , clairaudience (hearing), clairsentience (feeling), clairgustance (taste,smell). Using all these abilities helps me communicate with animals.

Do you just feel their energy or do they speak directly to you?
Both. I’m receiving the emotions and the energy level. Their message doesn’t come in like a burning bush—it comes in like a voice in your head or as a projected image. If I want to convey something to an animal, I project the image of what I want them to do or how I

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