The White Man's Burden by Rudyard Kipling

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Imperialism widely occurred all through history as the conquest of weaker cultures by cultures that were more technologically advanced or had more power. Imperialism was basically the formation of a mighty empire. It’s the creation of unequal cultural, economic, and territorial relationships, based on domination and subordination, usually between states and often in the form of an empire. Occurring when one country over powers aggressive or passively over another country. During the late 1800’s and into the 1900’s this was immortalized in a poplar concept, “The White Man’s Burden” by the British poet Rudyard Kipling who in 1899 urged America to “take up the white man’s burden” and colonize the Philippines. Kipling’s phrase is the essence of a racist view that the people in uncivilized worlds are victims, incompetent of helping themselves. His concept claimed the need of humanitarian imperialism intervention was a noble aim of allowing the spread of superior values; the responsibility of white Europeans to teach “proper” European civilization to barbaric nations of color incapable of ...

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