Analysis Of Where Are You Going Where Have You Been

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“Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.”… Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” ” (Genesis 2:18, 2:23) Within the story Where Are You Going, Where Have you Been, we are introduced to a girl named Connie. She was fifteen, a slight narcissist, and had a nervous giggle. So, how does this relate to the bible in any way, shape, or form? Fear not, it is not easily seen in the beginning, but more towards the end where you will start to notice. Jumping right into it, the two characters we will look at for right now are Connie and Arnold Friend. Now Arnold Friend shows up out of nowhere and is trying to seduce Connie out of her house to go for a ride with him. It started to ring some bell and low and behold it soon started to look like when the snake charmed Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. In the end, Eve submits to the snakes charm and eats the fruit to gain the knowledge. Now let’s take a look at the story and see the similarities. Connie could be said to be a representation of Eve. Young and naïve, she continues to deny Arnold until she finally submits and takes that bite. …show more content…

It’s based around Greek mythology and it always has been an interest of mine. Anyways, it was when the main character had just been killed by the mysterious killer and ends up on a boat in the Underworld where Henry is waiting for her to take her back to her body. Now this made me start to think of the Percy Jackson books. I remember in them that Percy had to go to the underworld to get his mother’s soul and the lightning bolt back from Hades. To do this he had to pay the ferryman to take him there. Finally the pieces started to line up and Charon was now in my sights. Finally, connecting the two together, I placed Ellie as Charon the ferryman of the

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