The Pros And Cons Of The Death Penalty Punishment

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When is the death penalty justified?

In 2015 28 individuals were executed by lethal injection on death row in the United States. The one thing they shared in common is that they were all convicted of murder. In the United States the death penalty is a very controversial issue with some states staunchly in favour of it and other states opposing it, even placing a moratorium on all executions. Proponents of the death penalty argue that it is essential for a government to advocate equivocal morality, and that the death penalty is a fitting punishment for murder. Death penalty abolitionists claim that the death penalty bears the risk of executing innocent individuals, and that it therefore cheapens human life. All of these arguments are relevant …show more content…

Divorce was not an option in Afghanistan where A Thousand Splendid Suns takes place because divorce is seen as a “disgrace, and a divorcée is often seen as a bad influence because she failed to protect her marriage — even if she ended it because of extreme abuse” (Kakar 1). Later in Mariam’s marriage, shortly after Rasheed’s marriage to his second wife Laila, Mariam aids Laila in their escape to Pakistan. However they are soon apprehended and Rasheed locks them both up in a dark secluded room with no food or water for days on end. With cruel malice, Rasheed gives a warning to Laila vowing to capture them if them if they try to escape again, saying that there is “not a court in the land who will hold me accountable for what I will do. First to Mariam, then to Aziza, and you last. I will make you watch” (Hosseini 243). Although Rasheed is addressing Laila in this passage, it also applies to Mariam as well because the punishment that he is speaking of applies to Mariam as well. Even though Mariam tries to escape her abusive marriage by escaping to Pakistan with Laila, she is caught and now will face an unspeakable punishment the next time she is caught. Trying to escape a second time will have greater ramifications as Mariam is unable now to escape without bringing out dire consequences on both herself and Laila and her infant child Aziza. Though Rasheed does not specifically state what kind of abuse he will administer, the main goal of his punishment for escaping is to psychologically break Laila by making her watch. Whatever punishment Mariam will receive is likely to be unspeakably cruel due to its purpose of psychologically breaking Laila. Assured in the fact that he will not face any consequence for what he is threatening to do to Laila, Mariam, and Aziza Rasheed gloats that no court in Afghanistan will find him accountable. Even if Mariam survives Rasheed’s

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