Atomic Emission Spectroscopy Essay

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Atomic Emission spectroscopy is a technique used in the determination and quantification of elements present with a chosen sample. The basic idea of this process it that first an atom is formed, and then it is excited then emitted. After the photon is emitted and energy is released knowing the energy released one can quantitatively and qualitatively determine the wavelength present and hence the concentration of the element. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry is one of the most powerful and popular techniques. It is also based on the spontaneous emission of photons after elements form atoms are further excited due to expose to high temperatures. it is ideal for liquid and gas samples which can be injected directly into the injection port of the machine but for solid, extractions or acid digestion is a definite requirement so as to ensure that the analyte is freely available within the prepared solutions. In the process the samples are converted to aerosol and …show more content…

The first plasma based instrument used direct current and also microwave induced system to generate the plasma. Plasma utility for analytical chemistry was limited because of interference effects and plasma instability hence the domination of flame based atomic spectrometry in the analytical chemistry field. Even though Flame based spectrometer is still in high effect today the limitations of the first Plasma Instruments were overcome by the substitution of Direct current or microwave systems with inductively coupled plasma. By the 1980’s the Inductive coupled Plasma System, became more known due to the low cost it had and it also required less time management compared to the others. Inductive coupled Plasma can utilize sixty (60) elements at the same time with a single plasma

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