The Connections Between School Failure and Delinquency

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The similarities and differences between school failure and delinquency according to Siegel and Welsh include the following. According to Siegel and Welsh children who do poorly in academics and those they refer to as school under achievers are most likely to be is documented by both that school failure is a one stronger predictor of delinquency if compared with economic class membership, peer group relationships, radical and ethnic backgrounds. Studies comparing delinquents and non-delinquents academic records scores on standardized tests failure rates and other academic measure found that delinquents are recurrently academically deficient as compared to their counterparts and this is a condition which almost requires them to perform antisocial and delinquents acts. Siegel and Welsh further establish that academic failure and delinquency is commonly found in chronic offender, students leaving school having achieved a high school diploma are less likely to resort to delinquencies as compared to those who never graduated high school as recorded by Marvin Wolfgang Philadelphia delinquency in birth cohort study only 9 percentage of the offenders are school graduates. In comparison 40 percent of offender population had 12 or more years of school as compared to the 90 percent of the general population and it is summed up that school experience is a very important factor in shaping an adolescents life. Siegel and Welsh confirm that school failure is a direct cause of delinquent behaviors. Emotional frustration and rejection is what is felt by children who fail at school in turn they seek out same minded companions and together they engage in antisocial activities having been convinced themselves that they won’t achieve su... ... middle of paper ... ... in place they are only allowed to work minimal hours to have enough time to concentrate on their homework and it is ensured that these children attend school for employing an underage child is a crime. Returning to the point of working children who have part time jobs resorting to delinquencies, unless the job is illegal but otherwise there is just no way this child will be a delinquent he won’t have time to go to school, go to work, rest and vandalize something all in one day, commitment to school may become less when a child works but again unless it is an illegal job let’s consider the situation where he drops out of school and goes to work full time if it’s an illegal job of course nothing but delinquent acts is to be expected but if it’s a legal job he is highly likely to stay at work unless he encounter a negative factor which entirely changes his direction.

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