What Provoked the British Colonists in the Americas to Rebel against the Crown

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In 1776, British colonists in the Americas were provoked to rebel by the parliamentary revenue system, British military actions toward the colonies, and the legacy of colonial beliefs and governmental philosophies. After the Seven Years Way England was broke for she had spent more money needed to win the war. Also winning the war gave the colonist a “we can do it spirit”. However because England now was facing debt she decided to tax the colonies. One the first acts passed was the sugar act passed in 1764. This Act was the raise revenue in American colonies. What it did was lowered the tax from six penses to three penses per gallon on foreign molasses. Molasses is a product made by refining sugarcane, grapes or sugar beets into sugar. This upset the colonist because before the sugar act they didn’t have to pay the tax so even if it was lowered that meant nothing for they now had to pay for it. A year later, in 1765, the Britain’s passed another act known as the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act put a tax on stamped paper, publications, playing cards, etc. Because it was on all paper products in a way it affected everyone; from the papers for the upper class such as lawyers, publications such as newspapers for the middle class, and playing cards for the lower class for entertainment. Next, the Townshend Act passed by Charles Townshend. This came in 1767, which imposed taxes on colonial tea, lead, paint, paper, and glass which just like the Stamp Act affected all of the classes in the colonist in the Americas. Though this act was removed three years later in 1770, it still left colonists with a warning that conditions may become worse. Around 1773, parliament passed the Intolerable Acts one of those acts which affected taxation was the Bost... ... middle of paper ... ...he Intolerable Act there were two things that fell under this. The first one being, Massachusetts Government Act; the king choose the delegates that where in the upper house. Upsetting the colonists for they were able to vote for the delegates but now they weren’t being represented properly. The second one is the Administration of Justice Act which protected British officers from colonial courts. This was seen as unjust for that allowed the officers to get away with crimes that would have major or even minor punishment. With all this shoving against the colonists, provoking them rebel they ended up doing so in 1776. For the taxation, military actions, and acts against their beliefs and government philosophies had went too far for the colonists. Also they were scared that if they stayed it would have gotten worse for them so leaving was seen as their only option.

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