What Makes A Person 's Character?

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I have many personal beliefs that I hold close to my heart, these things, I believe, are the nitty-gritty to what makes a person’s character and how they view, as well as, how they interact with the world. It is almost impossible to sum up who I am in a few short lines but the one belief, or “Philosophy” that I have consistently kept in my thoughts during my life is the thought that “life is fleeting”. Life is a constant struggle between working to live and living to work, all around us every day we see the realities of life and how short and cruel it can sometimes be. Therefore, we must enjoy the in-between moments to their fullest because inevitably we will all fade into the past before we fade out of memory. We must make as many of those memories as we possibly can while we still can, so we may look back on a life lived well and not one filled with the unimportant “material reality” that society has burdened our shoulders with. Over the years a few things have helped me to stick to the path of what I believe is the key to not only living a good fulfilling life but being the best “Human” being you can possibly be; living as a “Humane” being, letting go , and enjoying those around you.
People in general find meaning in their lives by associating with so called “special values” (Kamler, Howard “Life Philosophy and Lifestyle”, 1983). “Life Philosophy”, is one of these “special values”, according to Kamler, that people will hold fast to no matter what anyone else thinks or says. Socrates is a good example of this, he held fast to his “life philosophy” of loyalty and honesty to the state even when it went against him. These “life philosophies”, I believe, form the basis of how a person interacts with the world around them, instills ...

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...we were never in control of in the first place, we can then more ably appreciate both our lives and the people in them for who and what they are. Letting go of uncontrollable circumstance also allows us a individuals to focus on those things that we can control, such as the direction we want to take our lives or the relationships in our lives. The ability to make the conscious decision to rid yourself of these negative influences so that you may enjoy your life as it is unfolding each and every precious day is another existential necessity, I believe, to us as human beings. Our short time here on earth is much too precious to spend hanging on to insignificant unchangeable realities that come by in our daily lives, accept “what is’ and let go of “what was” or “could have been”, this I feel is one way to live a much happier fulfilling life and also to enjoy that life.

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