What It Takes To Be An Effective Leader

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A leader can be understood as someone that other people follow. He should have a high degree of influence on others and the ability to organize a group of people to achieve a common goal. Leadership skills involve: traits, behavior, vision, values, charisma, and intelligence. Leadership includes many steps such as: having a clear vision and being able to share it effectively with the followers. Also, providing the tools and information needed to achieve that vision. As a founder of a leadership firm named Bob Mason said:” Leadership is simply causing other people to do what the leaders want. Good leadership, whether formal or informal, is helping other people rise to their full potential while accomplishing the mission and goals of the organization. All members of an organization, who are responsible for the work of others, have the potential to be good leaders if properly developed.”

Throughout history, many leaders left a great impact in their community. They could have differed in their strategies, but the common thing between them is that they made success in this world in their leadership position. Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln are some examples of these people. Martin Luther King fought for the freedom of the Negro community and for the equality between them and the While people in America. He was a leader in the civil Rights Movement during the 1950s and 1960s. There was some keys of success in King’s personality, as Eric Lincoln states: “King can be described as a “conservative militant.” In this combination of militancy with conservatism and caution, of righteousness with respectability, lies the secret of King’s enormous success.” (146). King knew how to persuade his followers. For example, he repeated some...

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Works Cited

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