What It Means To Be a Christian In Our Current Climate

712 Words2 Pages

In our current climate there is a rush to defend and define what it means to be Christian.

These 4 theses are meant to encapsulate the key presuppositions of my alternative to what is currently the dominant methodology of spreading the Gospel embraced by Evangelical Christians. The case I am attempting to make is that Christian evangelism is most effective when non-Christians are given the opportunity to judge the Christian message according to their own terms, and that the most important task of the Christian evangelist is to provide a trust-worthy opportunity for non-Christians to witness the work God is doing in our lives. “Christianity is not something we sell, it is something people see being worn around and inclined to buy.”

The spread of the Gospel in a cynical world requires Christians to practice honest and transparent living alongside non-Christians.

Christians too often assume that individuals who do not believe Christ to be God reject Christianity for reasons that are not logical. However, many well-meaning evangelists use of excessively emotional or outrigh...

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