The Negative Effects Of Authoritarian Parenting Styles On Children

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What is the best style for parenting our children? Many would ask and many would be right to extend the knowledge that perhaps certain kinds of parenting styles can be detrimental to our children. My research and paper aim to prove that authoritarian style parenting can be harmful to the child and can have grave effects on children’s social emotional development. Beginning my research I chose to look at not only the social emotional damaging effects but others areas of damage that can later on have effect on the different areas of social emotional development. First, I wanted to examine the authoritarian parenting style and how it negatively has an impact on emotionality and coping skills. Researchers have set out to examine children’s coping …show more content…

The research on this particular subject can relate to many different areas of social emotional development at different developmental ages. Parenting styles can also be linked to children’s sense of false belief which effects their emotional and social competencies. “A key social and cognitive milestone of early childhood is the development of a theory of mind (ToM). Much evidence indicates that by age 5, most typically developing children have successfully mastered first-order false belief tasks...” (O’Reilly and Patterson, 2014) The research conducted regarding theory of mind and parenting styles used PAI, which was comprised of 15 items forming two sub scales. Since were are more focused on the authoritarian parenting style and it’s effects we will look at the results. More than ever before research is showing that authoritarian parenting style with it’s “power-assertive control...” (O’Reilly and Patterson, 2014) can be a significant predictor for a child’s less advanced ToM scale. These findings show that there are close connections between parenting style and the development of children’s crucial understanding of other minds and successful social

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