Offshore Banking: The Misuse Of Offshore Banking

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In the 21st century the global economy has suffered a major economic crisis greatly affected by the misuse of offshore banks. How does offshore accounts and all of its components work? Offshore accounts many times bring subjects such as tax haven, laundering of money and off record assets. Individuals that have offshore accounts control accounts through a credit card that has a unique and individual number and secret code. This system helps all of these banks provide financial secrecy which is that only you and your banker would legally be allowed to know the financial activity within your account. The financial secrecy, completely different from financial privacy, includes many regulations to maintain this asset of secrecy for example many banks use codes that are implemented during communication that in absence of this code it means that a governmental agency is in an investigation process of this account.
Why all this secrecy? Well, the shocking amount of hidden money in in type of accounts is thought to be no less than $21 trillion. Much of this money is acquire through assets that raise their value and to even farther benefit avoid taxes in what is called tax havens. According to Leona Helmsley, a female that ran a chain of luxurious hotels and famous for once saying and quote “only the little people pay tax”. What do the predominantly wealthy people do to avoid taxes? Owners of offshore accounts found a different path that allowed them to keep their money, the idea of tax havens which is known to be promoted by those experts whose expertise are off the charts but nonetheless are still experts at using the flexibility of the system to their advantages. Offshore banking is a two-sided game in which white collar criminal camou...

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...those wealthy people that have offshore accounts with the sole purpose of avoiding taxes, laundering money or keeping money offshore are also responsible and also breaking the law. Nigeria is one of the principal suppliers of oil to the United States, the most populous country in Africa is yet homed the biggest single thief in the world in the 1990s who was almost certainly the late military dictator Sani Abacha, with $12 to $16 billion passing out of Nigeria in corrupt and tax-evading money during his murderous five year regime, most of this to the personal accounts of Abacha and his immediate family members. Offshore banking attracts criminals and opportunist but that does not mean that it is bad in nature, the purpose of offshore banking could be very valuable for the common men but sadly white collar criminals are the ones that are use and misuse this privilege.

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