Three Characteristics Of An Educated Person

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What is an educated person? What charateristics does he or she possess? In my opinion an educated person possess these three charateristics: leadership, open-mindedness, and communication. Most people consider themselves educated yet do not possess these charateristics. Throughout school I was always encouraged to improve theses three skills because that 's what employers were looking for. You need these three skills to not just be employed, but to also have a social life and to go far in life. There are many reasons why these charateristics are very important.

First, a person must possess leadership ablilties to be considered educated. Leadership abilities show that you 're not afraid to take charge. To be a leader you need to be able to speak up and take charge in any situation you 're in. For example, if you are on a job and your boss says that you and a team need to figure out everyone 's strengths and weaknessess, you will have to take charge and speak up to get the information your boss wants. To be a leader you also have goals in mind. If you have goals in mind you have a …show more content…

Other people may have different characteristics they feel that an educated person should possess; however, from what I have heard and seen, employers think these three characteristics are the most impressive. These skills have been taught to me from kindergarten to now and there has to be a reason why these skills are so important. Leadership skills show you are not afraid to take charge, you have goals in mind, and you have confidence. Open- mindedness shows you respect the opinions of others, you show you are curious to know what others share, and are always striving to learn more. Finally, communication skills show you work well with others , you can talk in front of large crowds, and you can deal with difficult

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