Abortion Is Affecting Our Society

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Abortion is a controversial topic in today's society. Some people believe that abortions are safe and that it isn’t murder because life doesn't start until birth. However, abortion opponents claim that life starts at the moment of conception. What is abortion and how does it affect our society? The abortion movement was fueled by the Supreme Court ruling in the Roe vs Wade case. In this case, a pregnant woman, a doctor, and a married couple argued that the ban on abortions was in violation of the constitution. They claimed that banning abortions was unconstitutional because it took away their rights. Abortion was and is a reform movement because of its intentions. It is considered a reform movement because it seeks to make changes to the area of birth and healthcare.. According to the Planned Parenthood website Abortions are safe. However, according to …show more content…

This abortion procedure is done in two steps. The first step is done at the clinic and requires the patient to take the first pill and then wait for an hour before leaving the clinic so any side effects can be noted. The second step is to take the second medication at home. The last step in this procedures process is a follow up visit with your abortion doctor to make sure you are no longer pregnant. Many women, when asked about why they chose to have an abortion, gave several reasons ranging from poverty to disabilities, abuse, and drugs. However, anti - abortionists claim that these reasons while seeming valid can be fixed by methods other than abortion. One of the methods available is adoption. ("The Case Against Abortion: Common Objections", 2013, para. 1) Pro - abortionists claim that they had an abortion because the child was unwanted or would be a burden on them. However, anti - abortion proponents claim that there are millions of couples in the US alone who are waiting to adopt a

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