The Role Of A Teacher In Freedom Writers By Ms. Swank

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What is a teacher’s job? It sounds like a simple question, but the answer is far more complicated. There is not a clear defined purpose of a teacher because everyone has their own idea of what that purpose might be. Are they put on this earth to simply pour information into the thirsty minds of students to help them succeed in life, or to empower them and motivate them to strive for anything and everything that they desire? Is the journey of education just a storybook waiting for the teacher to save each student from the treacherous world that they live in, and help them overcome every disastrous obstacle that they encounter? There are multiple sides to this single debate. Some believe that outside sources, such as films, trick people into thinking that the teacher must be a hero, but others believe that we …show more content…

Swank gives up the substantial joys of her life in order for her students to become successful and compassionate students. She is willing to abort her marriage, just so she can overachieve her goal of producing studious kids. No teacher should be forced to make such extravagant sacrifices for the benefit of their students. This is beyond an erroneous portrayal of the duty of a teacher, and preposterous that this much of a burden is dangling above any teacher. “This trivializes not only the difficulties many real students must overcome, but also the hard-earned skill and tireless effort real teachers must use to help those students succeed” (Moore). It is as if every trouble the students ever had in the movie, could simply be erased by a quick inspirational chat. Real students are now being trumped to blame the teacher for their undesirable outcome, instead of their intrinsic capabilities and efforts (Ricket). Teachers do not need to forfeit their life for their students, instead they need to provide them with the love and attention that is essential in order for them to become the successful individuals they should strive to

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