Developing a Successful Instructional Improvement Plan

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Every school has campus goals that they wish to thrive at even if they are short term or long term goals. One of those constant goals is instructional improvement. Instructional improvement is defined as helping teachers acquire teaching strategies consistent with instructional goals that increase the capabilities of students to make wise decisions in varying contexts (with regard to peers, adults, academics, and life) (Glickman, Gordon, & Ross-Gordon, 2010).
There are constant needs to improve classroom instruction. Instruction is defined as interactions among teachers, students and content, in environments (Cohen, Dewey, Ball, & Thurnau, 2000). The interactions occur in such varied settings as distance learning, small groups in classrooms, informal groups, tutorials, and large lectures (Cohen, Dewey, Ball, & Thurnau, 2000). Instruction thus is not created by teachers alone, or students, or content, but in their interactions (Cohen, Dewey, Ball, & Thurnau, 2000). There is not one strategy that will work to improve instruction that help reach students and help them succeed. It will take a collection of practices to help improve classroom instruction. Some of the practices are collaboration among teachers, improving curriculum, increasing the rigor of work, improving and analyzing assessments, professional development, and student writing.
Collegial learning opportunities allows teachers to work together, either one on one or in groups to help the teachers to learn from one another by looking over instruction work, student work and assessments (Peurach, Glazer, & Karen, 2004).
Curriculum allows schools and teachers to know what they are teaching. It is important to prioritize the curriculum and how to monitor it and un...

... middle of paper ... data collection instrument would be to introduce alternative instructional strategies to help improve instruction. These could be introduced at faculty meetings or in-service trainings and give teachers hands on practice on these strategies and collaborate with teachers in their department and others at the school. As these new instructional strategies are being applied to instruction, administrators will take a close look at the lesson plans teachers are submitting and work on improving them and aligning them with the curriculum and the instructional strategies.
Lastly the final data collection instrument would be to analyze classroom, district and state assessments. It is vital to evaluate how students are performing on their assessments and make sure teachers are aligning their lessons with the curriculum and students are actually learning the content.

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