What I Learned about Myself

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Throughout this semester I have learned so much about myself in many different aspects. I learned that I am the direction south and the color blue. For one thing I know that I want to hear what everybody’s opinion before make a decision. I have learned things about my personality that are will be benefit and things that are not a great when working in groups. For example I am a very cooperative person but I am also very dependent on others for ideas. I also learned that I am a collaborator when it comes to being a team player. I try to keep the group focused on the goals and purpose of the activity. I am also the team player that will do whatever it takes to get the team to reach the final goal. Throughout the semester I have improved my skills and realize what areas I need to improve in communication, working in groups, and organization.
Throughout the semester I became a more confident public speaker. The first assignment that we had to do for our education class was to introduce our self. I practiced what I was going to say and how I was going to say it that weekend. However, when I got up to present my mind went completely blank. Throughout the course of the semester I learned what I need to have up with me when I present do that I do not blank on what I wanted to say. In the beginning when I got up to present my heart was racing and my hands were shaking. Now I make sure I breathe and tell myself that I know what I am going to talk about. So I still don’t talking in public but I feel more comfortable doing it. I need to work on being more confident when I have to present a topic. Talking to Mrs. Nealy after my mini lesson I have more confidence when I am talking about a math concept than any other topic. Throughout the semester my writing skills have greatly improved. The thing I need to work on is managing my time better so that I have more time to edit my papers.
My team player style is collaborator, which I saw come out of me when we worked in groups. This semester I had great group work experiences and some that were not as great.

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