What Happened in Britain During the Great Depression?

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What Happened in Britain During the Great Depression?

It is easy to hear “Great Depression” and immediately think only the United States. The reason for this is that the Great Depression began in United States, but the effects were far from being isolated to the United States. Though Britain was effected in many ways by the Great depression, I believe that the greatest overall effect of the Great Depression on Britain was a high and unrelenting unemployment rate. The recurring unemployment of at times, more than a million British citizens had several huge impacts on British life. But before I get to those, let us look at some background history of the Great Depression.

In Britain, the first effects of the Great Depression were significant drops in British exports, because the demand for British goods had diminished (Aldcroft). This decline in exports led to many layoffs among manufacturing workers. Eventually, some factories, shipyards, and other businesses closed because they had become unprofitable. The result of all the cutbacks was a large and steadily growing unemployment rate. As the Great depression wore on, there was much debate among politicians as to what was the best course for Britain. Some were in favor of allowing businesses to come together into corporations which would run the economy. Others thought that the only possible solution was for Britain to turn to a socialist system in which all workers would unite for the common good (Ritschel). This political tug of war continued throughout the great depression. But while the politicians debated and attempted resolutions, many working class families of Britain were suffering the harsh effects of prolonged unemployment.

Families who lacked income became dependent u...

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...n were supporting Jarrow’s call to stop unemployment.

The effects of prolonged unemployment went from lowered health and living standards, to protests, and general anger at the current state of affairs. This high unemployment rate was brought on by the economic backwash caused by the Great Depression. The depression took the wind out of the sails of British commerce. It lowered the expectations of common people and made them question the system under which they lived. Most of all, the Great Depression united many people in Britain in their desire for lasting change to their government structure. Their desire was for an effective government which would maintain better control over the economy. Britain hoped that the new government would provide more stable jobs. This desire for better government played a large role in shaping Britain into the nation we see today.

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