Essay On Agoraphobia

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ORAPHOBIA IS A GATEWAY What childhood event shaped me into who I am today? Written from a true agoraphobic I am able to convey the causes, hardships and the lessons I have learned as well as the way I adapted to life. Though there were many contributing factors that caused the illness. It is my belief that my childhood trauma played a huge role in it. This trauma included bullying, unstable home life and my own inner struggles It was in first grade that I truly learned what the world was like., you are too fat, you are too ugly, we do not like you, you are not cool, you are trailer trash, you are so poor that you have to wear Walmart clothes... Feeling belittled, heartbroken and angered, I walked away with my head down, tears in my eyes and …show more content…

Only when you do not know the words’ meaning is, it is then that the word is just a word and you are none the wiser. How about the word Agoraphobia? Agoraphobia, in my own definition, is a gateway phobia to other phobias and mental disorders alike. It preys upon the young and later robs them from their adulthood. Agoraphobia has lived my life for me, it makes my decisions, it tells me where I can and cannot go and sometimes it even tells me who I can and cannot be friends with. It tells me what to wear, how to wear it, what to buy, and more. It has dictated my life, impacted my decisions negatively and caused me to live a life of confinement. Some say I am faking it because each reported case is different so without the proper proof and consistency, doctors cannot make sense of …show more content…

Though my symptoms for agoraphobia started well before my first grade year, that day in particular gave me a glimpse of what my life was going to be like. I was able to see for a short moment in time what sort of struggles I was going to face as I grew older. Through everyone’s perspective I was considered lazy. I always had a terrible excuse as to why I could not go outside and play with the other children, be it at school or home.It appeared as though I wanted to stay in the house and do nothing, but what the adults were not seeing is the sad child that sat in the window and cried while she watched the other children play. These little instances got worse throughout my life and I seldom wanted to play with the other children. In high school I missed a lot of days and because of this my grades suffered immensely. It seemed like my teachers and counselors knew what was happening, but non reached out. This created another hardship and hurdle for me to overcome. Some teachers would ask me why I would fail my tests, but yet when asked the very same questions 1 on 1, I would pass. The reason for this is because my peers caused me a great deal of

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