Group Reflection Paper

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What are the norms in this group? I had expectations of our group, as well as the other members, I hoped that everyone would work hard and contribute to the assignment equally. We tried to keep everything fair by dividing the sections of the essay, so that everyone was contributing and not just one person completing all the work by themselves. What type or range of behavior does the group attempt to control or have expectations about? For example, are there expectations about dress, topics, attendance, self-disclosure, behavior outside the group, associates, etc.? The behavior the group attempted to control or had expectations about was everyone doing their part and meeting the deadline for the assignment. Another expectation our group had …show more content…

We were all being graded for the work so we just stepped in and added more to her part. It was discouraging at times, but maybe she was going through something and she couldn 't complete the work. She may have been doing the best she could do, and I didn 't feel like it was my job to tell her to go write three pages, when she barley could bring us a paragraph. What roles do members play in the group, e.g. gatekeeper, talkative member? I felt like the other member was the leader, because she helped keep things on track. She was also like the gatekeeper, since she was leaving for Thanksgiving break earlier, we had to present earlier. Therefore, she took on the responsibility of piecing our work together. I did the majority of research and was opened to receiving more information from the other members. During our group time in class and after class we stayed busy researching and feeding off each others ideas to complete the assignment. Who normally performs task-oriented (maintenance) functions within the group; e.g., keeping the group on task, coordinating, giving or seeking information, etc? Other than the leader, of certain members take on aspects of these …show more content…

I think any person can be apart of a higher status by participating in the group meetings and completing the assigned work on time. It not so much about popular kid or the most talkative person in the group, but the one who is trying to do the very best that can, and who wants their group to succeed as a whole. What are the effects of "non-changeable" characteristics on the status ranks in this group? For example, are women generally higher or lower status? Someone of a different ethnic or racial background? The status ranks in our group was not based off of ethnic, racial, gender, or age characteristics. Instead, the status ranks in our group was determined by who worked the hardest and who helped the group accomplish its goals. I believe myself and the other member were ranked higher because we worked hard and dedicated a lot of our time into the assignment, whereas the member did not display those same qualities. Has anyone’s status changed over time? If so, why did it happen? For example, did the member violate norms, learn or contribute new skills, join or leave a subgroup; did the group 's purpose or base of attraction

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