What are Subcultures?

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Subcultures are smaller groups of a larger culture that have similar and unique values but also possess some differences to the common culture. There are many different subcultures such as social class, age cohorts, gender, and religious subculture. Nowadays, subcultures are becoming important to brands because it leads to a better orientation to market a product or service. This assignment will focus on the age cohorts’ subculture, namely Generation Y. Surprisingly, “Millennials has 21% of consumer discretionary purchases, which is estimated over a trillion dollars in direct buying power and a huge influence on older generations” (Milleniall Marketing, 2014). It is the generation of people born during the 1980s and early 1990s. Generation Y has been described as optimistic, self-inventive, addicted to technology, internet-lover, and active. They are connectors. They love travelling. According to Millenial Marketing, “75% of generation Y would like to travel abroad as much as possible”. Besides that, it also has negatives side like lazy, narcissistic, or restless. In order to demonstrate the strong connection between subcultures, advertising, and media implementation, “Do more Rexona” is the chosen advertisement in this assignment. The ad is from YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD4SB40zE88

1. How does the ad show that the brand understands you as a member of your chosen subculture?

Generation Y has many characteristics both positive and negative side. However, the marketer of this ad just selects positive aspects to communicate with the members of the subculture. As we can be seen, the DO MORE advertisement of Rexona refers a lot to DOER. It is someone who desires to challenge himself or herself, who ...

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Rexona. (2014). Do: More Rexona. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgDvhPFkB6w&list=PLlQyVsQoDNl7pIaWuCtov3NAvSUx6rs5W

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