The Wetlands Anzali, Boojagh and Miyankaleh Conservation Prioritization

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This research has been done for the performance of the rapid assessment method in 3 wetlands, Anzali, Boojagh and Miyankaleh, for the first time in Iran. In this research compilation of Caspian Rapid Assessment Method (CRAM) has been done. This method is derived from Ohio Rapid Assessment Method (ORAM) by some changes in some indexes and eliminating some sub-indexes. These changes are regard to the characteristics of the region Caspian Sea southern coasts wetlands. Then wetland assessment has been done by CRAM for these 3 wetlands. The results show the points, 60 for Anzali, 47 for Boojagh and 56 for Miyankaleh, and all the wetlands are level 2. Level 2 wetlands are destroyed but recoverable. Results show that conservation prioritization for wetlands are: 1-Anzali 2-Miyankaleh 3-Boojagh. Introduction
The Wetland Rapid Assessment Procedure (WRAP) is a rating index for wetland assessment. This standardized rating index can be used in combination with professional judgment to provide an accurate and consistent evaluation of wetland sites (Miller et al, 1999). In 9th Meeting of the Conf...

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