Website Security for E-Commerce Businesses

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1. Before starting any E-commerce business the owner have to make sure that his/hers website has all kind of security systems which provide absolute safety for customers and the owner himself. Nowadays, online robberies have become the most common. Every single day, hackers attack thousands of web sites in the hope of a good profit. among the most important elements of the protection should be as following: • Security Hosting supposed to include Bandwidth (to maintain E-commerce traffic), a large Disk Space (to be able to place more products and store business and customer’s information), Firewall (supposed to be strong in order to reject any external threats), 99, 9% of all security system updates (to be sure that your website is fully secured). • SSL Encryption is a system that codes and decodes customers’ personal information and information about the transactions. In other words, this system makes data unreadable for any external sources. • PCI Compliance is responsible for safe credit card transactions. to comply with this system every online business supposed to build and maintain Secured Network, protect Cardholder Data, follow Information Security Policy, regularly testing Networks, maintain Vulnerability Management Program. • DDoS protection and mitigation service - Installation of this system saves a lot of money for other security aspects. This cloud-based system helps protect website from hacker attacks, even the most powerful ones. • Sensitive Data Storage - The online business should not to store sensitive data on their hard drives. Even the strongest security systems could be hacked and all the data will be gone. Nowadays, it is forbidden by Informational Security Policy to store all sensitive data at one place. F... ... middle of paper ... ...egally and ethically clear); and this is create “gray” shadows of e-commerce. E-businesses have to inform their customers of all rules and regulations, product full information and product safety confirmation. Judicial comity enforces other countries’ legal institutions to exercise “clear” e-commerce laws in order to practice “friendly” international business relationships. Each e-commerce enterprise has to be registered and precede all legal procedures. E-businesses have to obey the tax regulation complex such as Income Taxes, Transactional Taxes, Custom Duties, and Property Taxes. Income Taxes - taxation for all company’s income. Transactional Taxes imposed by the Government on the sale and use of any goods and services by the company. Custom Duties – taxation on imports into the country. Property Taxes – taxation of real estate and any other personal property.

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