Weaving a family, by Barbara Katz Rothman

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Barbara Katz Rothman, professor of sociology, once said "Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength." This illustrates clearly the symbol of the mothers in this society. This symbol could also shape people’s thinking about mothers. I totally agree with her assessment. For instance, I believe that everyone is using his or her own symbols during social interaction, such as languages, gestures and other sign language. In another way, this is called symbolic interactionism. Barbara Katz Rothman’s book, Weaving a Family, is a perfect example telling people what is symbolic interactionism perspective. As a white mother who adopted a black daughter, she has to face a lot of difficulties and awkward moments when she hangs out with her black daughter. But she chooses to live with lucidity through the tangle of pains. She uses her cheerful symbol to face her family's challenge to the racial status quo. For instance, she helps us discuss new insights for understanding the way how race and family are shaped in America today. Through this book, the author skillfully represents the symbolic interactionist perspective through the actions/behaviors, gestures and languages to play the role of mother or to present what people want to express. First of all, actions of symbols can help shape people’s images. In the first chapter, Rothman illustrate how is a transsexual successfully using her symbolic interaction to present herself as a woman with a man’s body. Her name is Agnes. For presenting a female, “She uses her hands, angle her head, move her legs and eyebrows.” She is just doing the things what women normally do, which is called s... ... middle of paper ... ...rs and their black children. All in all, Rothman illustrates how people use linguistic or gestural communication and their subjective understanding to form social views, which is called symbolic interationism, throughout this book. Therefore, we can clearly see actions of symbol help a man present a woman. And Rothman uses symbolic interactionist perspective to do and present her family with Victoria. And mothers make their symbol as shopping for their children. Moreover, Rothman tells us how a language affects on different racial. We should use a symbol carefully and selectively, because people shape their social views through interaction with other people in dairy life. Works Cited George Herbert Mead. Stanford Encyclopedia Of Philosophy. 13. Apr. 2008. Web. 06. Dec. 2013 Blumer, Herbert. “Herbert Blumer's Symbolic Interactionism.” 1998. Web. 06. Dec. 2013

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