We Need to Raise Minimum Wage

544 Words2 Pages

A bill increasing the current minimum wage is greatly needed, and our government officials should demand a raise due to the increase in the cost of living, as it’s no longer realistic. We need higher paying wages for all, middle and lower class income levels. Without some sort of help and support from our government the economy will only get worse. Students will not be able to afford the cost of school and living. Single family households will not be able to support their selves. Some argue that if an increase in minimum wage is passed businesses will raise the prices of goods and services to help compensate the cost of pay raises. The cost in goods and services is already on an increase due to the high host of gas/oil, yet we are still making the same amount of money. People are having to cut spending in other areas so that they can pay bills, and feed their families, which in turn is hurting the economy because people do not have the extra money to buy extra things like, going out to the movies, or going out to eat at Chili’s. People are opting to stay home, watch cable and co...

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