We Must Work to Prevent Childhood Obesity

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Did you know that America has a growing problem that has now been considered to have reached epidemic proportions? That epidemic is childhood obesity. Obesity is a condition when an individual has an excessive amount of body fat. Some individuals can even be characterized as morbidly obese depending on how overweight they are. A child’s height, weight and age, can be measured by their physician, who can determine if they are above the normal range. Children are considered obese if their body mass index (BMI) falls in the 95th percentile range. That would make the average weight for boys 12 to 13 years old 85 to 100 pounds. The range for girls would be 95 to 105 pounds. There are several theories about the causes of obesity. Herein I will list some of the possible causes, a few of the health risks and what can be done to help prevent obesity in our children.

Let us take a look at poverty. Most families in the lower to poverty income bracket buy the cheaper brand food items for their family, which are not necessarily the healthiest foods to eat. These foods are normally higher in sugar, sodium, calories and more (book Frances M. Berg, MS, LN. Underage & Overweight America’s childhood obesity crisis what every family needs to know). Some physicians believe that the major culprits for childhood obesity would be fast foods and poor eating habits. Low priced fast foods, weekly specials and discounts for super-sizing meals appear to be a quick and easy solution for parents on the go. But by eating these salty, high caloric foods we pay, and our children pay with their health. In addition to the fast food ploys, there are the candy and soda machines at the local schools instead of healthier options. Concerns are growing t...

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...isions for our children and lead by example. When we snack, let the kids see us eating fresh fruits and vegetables. When being active, let them see and join us on a walk, jog, run. Everyone doing a little will create a lasting impact.

Works cited:

ABC World News, host Diane Sawyer and ..aired 7/13/2011

Berg, Frances M., Afraid to Eat, copyright 1997, published by Healthy Weight Journal 402 /south 14 Street, Hettinger, ND 58639

CDC http://www.cdc.gov/obesity/childhood/data.html)

By: Ruskin, Gary; Schor, Juliet. Nation, 8/29/2005, Vol. 281 Issue 6, p15-17, 2p, http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?sid=9134453b-621d-4e1a-8246-2334b5cf0988%40sessionmgr111&vid=4&hid=119&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=aph&AN=17928881Elder, Gerri L. http://www.chapter7.com/recession-could-cause-health-crisis


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