Gas station angel

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The Gas Station Angel

In the early days of 2014, the winter storms in Michigan were so heavy with snow and frigid cold air they called them polar vortexes. Schools, businesses and many roads were closed. Most stores were running low on everything and gas stations were not receiving their shipments of gasoline. When Joe heard that there was not going to be a break in the weather any time soon he decided to get some gasoline in case the weather went on indefinitely and there was a shortage of Gas. He knew his excursion was surely going to be a harrowing trip. He would not have to go out if he had not ignored dire warnings of the weathermen. Their track record for accuracy was dismal so Joe mostly ignored any forecast.

Joe was an elementary school teacher and loved his job. He was 25 and single. He had had few girlfriends and did not feel the crushing need to pair up with someone or be alone as many of his friends had done. He was waiting for “The one” and he knew he would find her. There was no hurry and no anxiety. Let nature take its course.

He bundled up and headed out into the Vortex. The first step was to shovel a path to get to the driveway where he could see his car sitting in 18 inches of snow. He started in on the bailout and in 30 minutes had freed his car from the deep but light snow. As he started to shovel from the rear of the car to the road a city plow started down the small hill toward his driveway. Joe groaned as the plow threw a couple more inches of snow onto the end of driveway. Another 20 minutes and Joe thought the snow was cleared enough to get the car out of the driveway. He said a small prayer and backed out into street. The plow had just been through but there was an already noticea...

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He dreamt. He was in the car again with Michael. Michael was saying “Joe you are a good man. You live by the laws and commandments of God. Well, at least as much as any mortal man can. You confess you sins and ask for forgiveness when you fall short. Your life is about to change. The world is about to change. You will be at the center of that change. I am here to prepare you for what has been foretold for thousands of years. God and the Holy Spirit have chosen you to a task that has only been asked of any man once in history. The world has been waiting for two millennium for the events about to take place. Some of the world’s most important questions are about to be answered. You must prepare for your role in this apocalyptic event.”
When he woke in the morning he realized he had had the same dream several times. He could quote Michael verbatim.

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