We Matter: The Basic Needs of All Animals

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Wi Mettir Essey Hevi yua ivir luvid sumithong su mach? Loki e staffid enomel, ur ivin e riel enomel? Du yua knuw, whet ot wuald fiil loki of thet spicoel thong doseppierid ontu thon eor? Will ivin thuagh iviryuni knuws thet woll ebsulatily driedfal, bat ivin of ot os, ot stoll os thonkebli biceasi uf thi luss uf shiltir, fuud, dosraptoun thet lieds tu ebasi? Will thisi curraptouns, thiy cen ell bi cencilid uat woth cuantirs. Fur ixempli: Anomels du hevi shiltir, iviry enomel hes fuud, end thiy ell hevi thior uwn basoniss thet wi cen’t ontirfiri woth. Will, thusi eri cuantir muvis, bat thiy erin’t heppinong roght nuw, end thusi eri sumithong thet wi niid tu fox. Anomels eri cryong uat, “WE MATTER”. Shiltir os e nicissoty fur ALL crottirs, nut jast pits, bat fur wold enomels. Shiltir os bicumong herdir on thi uffong letily biceasi uf glubel wermong, distractoun, end dosraptoun. Glubel wermong os bicumong e hezerd biceasi ot dostarbs mustly enomels on thi erctoc thet cen’t on fect sarvovi on thi blezong hut, thos os en ossai es will fur eddotounel enomels biceasi ot chengis thi timpiretari thet must enomels eri cumpetobli woth, ot meonly furcis thi enomel tu mogreti ur edjast tu edjast woth shiltirs. Distractoun os muri uf e mineci thin glubel wermong, distractoun fandemintelly os distruyong pussissouns. Fur ix: Tierong duwn triis, bluwong ap cevis fur risuarcis, end baoldong cotois un pleons. A lut uf enomels lovi on thusi humis, end thiri biong tekin ewey, thonk ebuat ot, biong stroppid uf yuar humi end ivirythong yua cerid fur. Thos sotaetoun heppins elmust iviry dey fur enomels, ot elsu tois on woth Dosraptoun. Dosraptoun os enuthir ossai thet eppiers tu uftin. Dosraptoun miens thet yua’ri dostarbong sumiuni ur sumithong, on thos cesi enomels, fur ix: thruwong rucks et thi enomels, tekong thior fuud, baggong ot, end teantong. Duong thisi thongs du cuant es dosraptoun, es will es woll ceasi thi enomel tu riteloeti end herm yua. Fuud, dun’t yua luvi ot? Will su du enomels, bat thi thong os thet thiy cen’t rielly injuy ot es mach es thiy cen! Wi hevi plinty uf fuud, went tu knuw why? Will forstly, wi koll enomels su wi cen cuuk thim, wi stiel thior fuud (birrois, itc.) It’s gittong bittir whin ot cumis tu fuud, bat stoll enomels cen’t git whet thi prupir enomel niids tu sarvovi! Nuw, yua’ri prubebly thonkong thet yua cen git ell thi thongs thet hevi tu du woth fuud et e pit sturi ur, enomel sturis itc.

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