The Wayne County Sheriff’s Department Organization

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The organizing function of the manager consists of developing organizational charts, job descriptions, and statement of work flows ( Liebler and McConnell, 2008, p.53). A healthcare department manager must have knowledge of the job functions, job descriptions, and how those relationships impacts, authority, chain-of-command and communication. As a Wayne County Sheriff Sergeant, the organizational jail chart reveals the decision making process in terms of, (a) major functions,(b) relationship of functions, (c) channels of supervision, and (d) lines of authority and communication and positions( by job titles) within the [jail] units (Liebler & McConnell,2008, p.194).

Centralized Department

As a formal organizational structure, WCSD’s power as an officer is those rights inherent in one’s position. Trained and deputized by the Michigan Law Enforcement Training Council (MLETC), power and authority is given to a sergeant to carry out job responsibilities as a certified officer. This includes the right to protect and serve the community and carry out the policies and procedures of the organization. According to Gomes-Mejia and Balkin (2002), “Centralization means that decision authority is located at the top of the organization hierarchy” (p.236). Decision-making by the officer and civilian staff is minimal. Thus, centralized power means that the majority of the decision-making, power and control is at the executive level.

Broadest Span of Control

The Wayne County Sheriff’s Department (WCSD) has a wide span of control. However in terms of the number of direct reporting employees, the sergeant in the jail division has the broadest span of control. Wide spans of control promote efficiency, productivity, and are cost effec...

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...g costs. In order to reduce the overall operational costs, the suggestion is to eliminate the position of the Chief of the jails and courts. Therefore, this elimination will reduce the overall operational costs and prevent duplication or overlapping of job functions. First, the position of the Chief of the jails and courts, appears to be a position that is an assistant chief to the Chief and Director of Jails position (WCSD,2009). Secondly, the Commander of the jail and support services consists of the courts, hospitals, and transportation units. Consequently, the Chief Jails/Courts position can be eliminated and not impact the efficiency and effectiveness of the jail’s overall operations. WCSD is an example of a formal organizational structure with decision-making made mostly at the executive level of management (See Figure 3-WCSD-Revised Master Chart).

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