Causes Of Water Pollution

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Water pollution is an epidemic that countries around the world are dealing with. A quick search across the internet will return hundreds of videos showing massive oil spills covering hundreds of square miles of water and beaches. These videos are shocking reminders of what man has done to the world’s water supply. Though oil slicks are one of the most apparent forms of water pollution, there are many more that are just as toxic but can’t be detected just by sight alone. Water pollution is a growing problem the entire world needs to deal with and is caused by major contributors such as sewage, waste water, and oil waste.
Sewage is one of the leading causes of water pollution nations are dealing with around the world. Developing nation’s populations …show more content…

It is estimated that countries around the world generate 5-10 billion tons of industrial waste that is released untreated into rivers, lakes and oceans (Water Pollution: An Introduction, 2006). Factories are not the only contributors of waste water though. People generate thousands of gallons of waste each year just from typical activities around their homes. Detergents used when washing clothes ultimately end up in rivers. Fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals used to treat lawns and farmland all makes its way back into the surrounding water systems. Roadways are another huge source of waste water. Roads are covered in chemicals that get washed back into the water system during each rain. All of these sources add up to the ever growing problem of waste water …show more content…

These accidents often dump thousands of gallons of oil into the ocean killing countless amounts of fish, mammals and birds. Man’s dependence on fossil fuels ensures that these types of accidents will continue. In 2010, BP’s Deep Water Horizon’s safety systems failed, leading to the largest oil spill in history. The oil well gushed oil into the gulf for 87 days before it was finally sealed. The Exxon Valdez spilled an estimated 11 to 38 million gallons of crude oil into the ocean, causing massive loss of life to the surrounding marine life. Disasters of these kinds are not the only source of oil pollution. Of the tens of millions of gallons of oil that enter North American oceans each year due to human activities, only 8 percent comes from tanker or pipeline spills (3 Surprising Sources of Oil Pollution in the Ocean, 2014). Not all oil spills are related to human mishaps. Some 40 percent of all oil that makes it into the ocean comes from natural seeps on the ocean floor. The combination of both natural and man-made spills are one of the most devastating forms of water pollution being dealt with

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