Watching TV: The Electronic Professor

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Watching TV: The electronic professor

“Stop watching television and go do something productive!” My mother would shout angrily when I would watch the “The Simpsons.” As mentioned in the article "Watching TV Makes You Smarter," Steven Johnson argued that 21st Century television shows develop complicated and more challenging narratives than those of an earlier time and offer viewers extra intellectual stimulation. Consequently television programming today reveals an astonishing narrative sophistication with unique plots increasing the viewer’s intellectual demands. In addition Johnson mentions that the sleeper curve in today’s television programming drives the viewer to pay attention, make connections, and keep track of the characters relationships. Moreover multithreading of many plot lines was different in the past. When shows followed only one or two lead characters; nevertheless now even in a show like ''Apprentice'' our mind connects with the emotions of not one but many characters. Now the viewers search the characters faces and the narrative weaves a collection of distinct subplots that are joined to decide the conclusion of the show. What is interesting to me is multithreading, flashing arrows, and social networking are now included in most television programming suggesting that it has gotten more cognitively demanding through the questioning of arguments, analysis of characters, narrative structure, and inferences. I agree with Johnson that television provides intellectual stimulation making viewers smarter. That’s why if my mother and I had known at an earlier time the intellectual benefits of television, we would have had a positive approach about watching television.

Accordingly that is why society cannot u...

... middle of paper ..., because intellectual benefits exist to watching television. The television viewer has to constantly think, respond, and answer questions that arise during the show. On the other hand for the most part this generation of the elderly, the religious, and of course our parents have always frowned upon anyone watching television. Since television makes viewers smarter, instead of being afraid of television this generation of television viewers need to embrace the benefits that come from watching television. In a sense it is exactly the same as reading a novel because as a viewer you need to pay close attention, remember characters, and connect multiple threads. Those television fanatics out there who have ever been disciplined because of watching television can now tell everyone the truth about television that it is truly an intellectually stimulating experience.

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