Wat is Animal Testing?

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What is animal testing? Animal testing is the use of living animals to performed research into the basics of biology and diseases assessing the effectiveness of new medical products(Humane Society International). But many debating has been done over animal testing, people are either in favor or against the use of animals for medical research. Many say that the use of animals is important for the advancement in medical research, without the use of animals medicine, treatment for cancer, antibiotics for infection, vaccines to help prevent deadly diseases and new technics for transplant would not exists and safe life.(pro-test) As Former UK Officer Minister Joan Ryan quoted “Animals research and testing has played a part in almost every medical breakthrough of the last century. It has saved hundreds of millions of lives worldwide. But those opposed don’t feel the same way. They believe animal experimental for medical research is not relevant in any way to human health that animals do not contribute in the advancement of medicine that for many years scientists have been able to completely cancer free a mice but not a single person has been cancer free. They say that animals are simply put under pain for curiosity. (PETA)

Animals organ system share similar characteristics with humans, both bodies perform many vital functions such as breathing, digestion, movement, sight, hearing and reproduction. Making it easy for scientist to understand how living things work and how to treat disease when the body falls ills to put it back to its right stage. Also a great amount of knowledge of the body anatomy and functions, had been made with the use of animal testing.(Understanding Animal Research) Researchers had been able to find new cure...

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...IN RESEARCH LABS. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. .

"Animal Testing - ProCon.org." ProConorg Headlines. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. .

"PSYCHOLOGICAL & BEHAVIOURAL ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS AND RESEARCH TESTING." Psychological Animal Experiments. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. .

"Speak Out for Species (S.O.S) - Animals Used in Experiments and Testing." Speak Out for Species (S.O.S) - Animals Used in Experiments and Testing. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. .

"Types of Animal Testing." -The American Anti-Vivisection Society (AAVS). N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2014. .

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