Wat Buddharangsi Buddhist Temple

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On Sunday, September 8, 2013, I visited the Wat Buddharangsi Buddhist temple of Miami in Homestead. Every Sunday, they present a meditation service in English for two hours from three to five in the afternoon. Once I parked, the place of ritual was conveniently located across the parking lot. There was a shoe rack outside of the temple. Before I came to this temple, I read the guidelines from their website. The requirements for new guests are to remove your shoes before entering inside. Therefore, when I saw the shoe rack, I was not in shock. I was relieved to see that the temple provided a neat spot to place shoes rather than having them scattered on the floor. The actual building itself appears similar to a castle. The architecture had royal features due to the triangular points on the top of the building. There were three open doors; one big main entrance in front, two small side doors, and all the guests entered through the main entrance. Once I walked in, a big gold Buddha was centered in the back surrounding multiple iconic religious statues. There seemed to be about a hundred religious statues highly dazzled in silver or good. All the shiny items to the back of the room caught my eye instantly because they appeared to look rich and prestigious. On the right of the big main entrance door in front, there was a silver tree, and on the opposite side of the room on the left side of the door, there was a gold tree. Money hangs on the tree, and I thought that was an interesting feature to have. As I looked around the room, I noticed the red carpet below me, and everyone was sitting on small rectangular pillows. The main speaker told me that pillows were located in the big container next to me, so I grabbed one and sat down. The... ... middle of paper ... ...ause the repetition was getting too bland. Why can’t my religion be as free as a bird like the Buddhists? Why is there a rule where you have to go to church every Sunday, and if you don’t, you’re not a practicing Catholic? In a Buddhist lifestyle, you can pray every day, but you don’t have to be at the temple. You can go to the temple when you feel that you need to bow down and pray in front of the Buddha. I feel that in this way, you can go with what is best for you, not with what is best with time. Works Cited Interview, Monk. Interview by Christina Guerra. Life of a Monk 08 09 2013. 09 . Print. "Philosophy 312: Oriental Philosophy." Buddhism: The Eightfold Path. 2009.Web. Lander University. . "The Four Noble Truths." Introduction to Buddhism. 1996.Web. .

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