Essay On The Compromise Of 1850

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During the early to the mid-19th century, politics had become barbarian like, as it can be seen as a war zone. The arguments between the North and the south had grew, which would continue to separate them farther, and even farther apart. The Civil war was beginning to take shape, and every time a compromise was drawn, the war came closer to the present. For the longest time, slaves would run to the north to seek freedom from their masters, but it also came with a cost that, if they were caught they would have to deal with the punishments, and the wrath of their master. Though as the war grew closer, by the 1850, running away through the underground rail road would no longer be a very viable option due to the fugitive slave law that was put out in the 1850’s. Though the government issued the personal liberty laws that stated that they would not have to report any runaway slaves that they have seen. This made tensions between the North and the South even greater than before which would then bring us to the Civil war. In 1850, the government issued the Compromise of 1850 that had five main points, but there were three key statements that made it important. The first key point was that California would enter the Union as a free state, which meant that the …show more content…

This can be connected to the Mexican American War because they both have create the divide between the two countries. In the Mexican American War, because of America’s belief in Manifest Destiny, the Americans believed that they had the right to conquer their land from sea to sea. This would divide the two countries because Mexico did not want to give up the land, but because of American’s drive to push onward, a war broke out. This is similar to the Civil War because the people were driven apart because the North believed that the slavery should be abolished, but the south thought

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