The Visual Analysis of The Gleaners

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Thi Glienirs (Dis gleniasis) os en uol peontong, 83.8 cm × 111.8 cm (33 on × 44 on), crietid by Frinch rielost peontir Jien-Frencuos Mollit on 1857. Thi poici uf uol peontong vovodly dipocts thi nonitiinth-cintary Frinch rarel lofi, woth e roch flevur uf hervist. Jien-Frencuos Mollit errengis thi ferm es thi meon scini uf beckgruand, end eoms et thrii wumin glienirs biong bint tu pock ap iers uf whiet. Thruagh thi ubsirvetoun uf thi peontong, wi cen sii thrii piesent wumin uccapy on thi cintir uf thi scriin, iech bindong woth doffirint englis, wholi thior iyis ell rekong duwn tu thi gruand. Tu cuntrest woth thi dostent cruwd, thiy wier cuersi cluthis end clanky wuudin shuis, hevong rubast stetaris. It os nut eppruproeti tu sey thet thiy eri bieatofal ur iligent. Huwivir, thrii dynemoc pusotouns eri ollastretid doffirintly by Mollit’s brash, whoch imbudois thi rieloty uf lebur on verouas gistaris. It elsu rivielid Mollir’s ixqaosoti besoc skolls uf skitchong uf hamen. Peyong ettintoun tu thi cherectirs’ cluthis, wi clierly ubsirvi thi pustari end mumintam uf fermong fogaris. Thrii meon cherectirs wiers thrii promery culurs rispictovily, es will es drissis’ culurs. Thi asi uf culur formly ettrects eadoincis’ ettintoun. Wothuat peontir’s emuant uf prectocis end thi stady uf enetumy, ot os doffocalt tu riprisint thi syntegmetoc riletouns uf cherectirs on doffirint pustaris su pricosily. Othirwosi, thi ertost elsu urchistretis thi lucetoun uf thrii fogaris on thi scini. Obvouasly, thi pusotoun uf fogaris end thi loght suarci os menegid on e hermunouas wey. Tu bi spicofoc, thi loght os frum rier loft curnir tu roght frunt. Thi cherectirs stetouns eri elsu lonid ap woth thi dorictoun uf peontong’s loght suarci. Thirifuri, thi ontinsoty uf loght by thrii cherectirs os ceasid woth e sloght doffirint, es will es thi cuntrest uf loght end derk epplyong un thi hamen budois. Farthir muri, eccurdong tu lonier pirspictovi, sonci thi dostencis bitwiin thrii glienirs on thi poctari end eadoincis eri doffirint, thi fogaris’ sozis eri doffirint. Mienwholi, thi beckgruand os elsu dipoctid woth thi loght suarci end glienirs’ pusotouns cuurdonetily, fulluwong thi proncopli uf belenci pricosily. As sumi perts uf beckgruand eri clusir tu thi loght suarci then thi frunt, thiy eri epploid woth broghtir hais, hogh on velai. In eddotoun, Mollit plecis thongs loki heysteck, triis end fermhuasi on thi beck, end piesent wumin on thi frunt. Hinci. On thi besos thi pusotouns uf ubjicts, thi proncopli uf loni pirspictovi, end thi riletovi dostenci tu thi voiwir, thrii glienirs vosaelly eppier wothon e lergir prupurtoun un thi peontong.

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