Visiting High School

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What's up!

I stepped out from the yellow Ferrari GXcT second edition, recalling when was the last time I landed my feet on my beloved hometown. Everything had changed. After

three decades being isolated on an island for a government top secret project, I am finally freed. The first place that I wish to visit after being alienated is my high school. So, off I go trying to locate the school based on the information on my car’s databank screen.

Before my eye is a 30-storey building. As my car drawing near the main steel-like-made gate, a security guard, dressed in black coat with black spectacles approached and stopped my car. On his left hand hung an electron rifle which from my observation, is the latest. He asked for my identification card. My renewed silver tiny mini ID is now slided thru his Tagucci watch. Green light blinked. Carefully, I made my steps to the lift. It was terrific! The lift was huge, just about the size of my classroom 30 years ago. Within seconds, I was already at the principal’s room. I went in. Nobody! ‘Maybe he has to attend a meeting.’ I thought. I sat on a bluish chair. There was a red button, stamped the principal’s name, Mr. Slengier O’ Turrien. I laid my finger on it, applying just a little bit pressure expecting the bell to ring or alarm to rise, but to my amazement, the wall in front of me suddenly moved! ‘Oh my God, what did I do?’ As I was about to leave, an old man, appeared from the opening. I introduced myself as he might have probably forgot about me, you know, it has been 30 years since I left, even Albert Einstein cannot remember much what else Mr. Slengier, an ordinary principal from Coydressila Vir Wastecqrain High School. He checked my profile using his hand phone-like notebook. Well, I couldn’t spend my life there could I? After some history talks, I bided him goodbye!

What a technology! Nobody to send me out, just a machine installed to guide visitors safely out. As I was heading my way to the gate, I passed by a few classes. I can see no teachers at all! That’s something I never thought could happen 30 years ago. Life in school without teachers is so much fun I guess. Every student is equipped with the Microsoft Vs 8.

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