The Slave Laws: The Virginia Servant And Slave Law

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The late 1600’s was a very hard time if you were not rich and white. The rich southerners had, it seems, control over the wealth and people. They would soon lose control of some slaves, but would regain the control through unrighteous laws known as the Virginia Laws. The Virginia Laws were created in an attempt to not only profit even more from the slaves but to curb rebellion. The laws however, do give insight to the success of rebellious slaves due to the fact that the rich southerners felt the need to establish these laws. The reason there was a cause for concern among the rich southerners was that they main way of making money was off slave labor on their plantations. If there were no slaves then there would be little profit, if any at The first Law that stands out in showing that Slave Masters sought more profit was that of the law in 1662. In the handout set "Virginia Servant and Slave Laws" has the bases of all five laws that were implemented. The first law to be looked at that would be an insight to the greed of the rich southerners would be that of the law that makes slave status inherited from the mother which is created in 1662. "...That all children borne in this country shalbe held bond[slave] only according to the condition of the mother" (Virginia Servant and Slave Laws). By having this law created, they could then gain even more workers for their plantations by forcing the children born of a slave mother into The first law to look at is the law of 1672 which allows force to be used in suppressing rebellious Slaves, Indians, and Servants. " shall and may be lawful for any person who shall endeavour to take them, upon the resisting.. and if it happen that such negroe, molatto, Indian slave, or servant for life doe dye of any wound in such their resistance... the master or owner of such shall receive satisfaction from the publique for [value of the slave]" ( Virginia Servant and Slave Laws). This shows that by having to enact this law, that there must have been some incidents that would lead the southerners in believing there would be rebellions or

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