The View Of A Political Community

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Historical records objectively illustrate the danger that arises from unsafe ideas, and these ideas must consist of correct ones to ensure the survival of a community. Therefore, a political community must consist of individuals who understand the essential concepts of life. However, if the needs of a political community are not met the critical ideas about life for a populace will not fully come into fruition. It is thereby where texts like Aristophanes’ Clouds, Plato’s Euthyphro, and Apology that I draw my main arguments to support the assertion that philosophy seeks truth.
Moreover, the apparatus that philosophy seeks is the independent knowledge about the essential factors of life from god, love, and justice. Knowledge must also be autonomous or self-directed and must consist of ideas that do not endanger a community (Dungey, 2016). In addition, the process that occurs in order for one to maintain philosophy is the continuous questioning about the essential theories of life. However, from the view of Aristophanes’ Clouds the viewpoints and the ideas about life can be dangerous.
Socrates the main character and figure of the texts sought what is and not what should be. As Professor Dungey, of California State University, Northridge stated to reiterate, he ran around in Athens questioning life and if the political matters that the city was engulfed in were correctly approached by those that ruled the polis. The perpetuation of his questioning led to a certain stigmatized view of Socrates. Aristophanes’ Clouds prove to be a factor that led to the demise of Socrates and altered the general populace’s view of him and philosophy. Moreover, Aristophanes presented three main premises in his play to portray Socrates and what he defen...

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...rsonal opinion, Socrates, does not in any shape or form corrupt the youth. In fact, Socrates had enriched people’s lives with the ability to reason about the essential facts of life. To this day, my favorite course has been this one and the courses I have educate myself in by Professors who teach philosophy. For instance, the knowledge of the works by John Lock, Montesquieu, Adam Smith, Immanuel Kant, and my most favorite Thomas Hobbes Leviathan all discuss human nature and even as far discuss in comparing the human environment. Moreover, it is through knowledge that any wisdom if at all any can be found, but wisdom can also be dangerous if used incorrectly just as incorrect ideas can lead one astray. Socrates is the equivalent of our parents, Professor Nicholas Dungey, and anyone else that can look us straight in the eyes and tell us “I care about you I really do.”

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