Vietnamese Culture According to Healthcare

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In every culture health play an essential part of life but means to achieve that healthy being may vary from one country to another depending on their belief system. It is important that professional healthcare providers obtain a proficiency in different cultures and respect these customs as they may influence patient’s behaviors towards receiving care. Birthing is a very important stage in the life of a Vietnamese woman . the Vietnamese culture is very diverse as many of their cultural practices have been influenced by the country’s’ strategic located between china and India. The Vietnamese people religiously observe their traditions and beliefs especially in pregnancy and during and after delivery.
During pregnancy in Vietnam, women are believed to be passing through an important stage in life, which will result in bringing forth life. she has to observe many rites so as to have a save delivery and prevent any birth complications. For example; during the first trimester where the woman is considered to be in the a cold state and is required to eat hot foods like, ginger, hot peppers and avoid cold foods such as lemon, melons, pineapples, spinach and green papaya which if consumed in excess will cause diarrhea and cough. while in the second trimester where she is considered to be in the neutral state and may be allowed to eat any food. The pregnant woman in the third trimester should not consume any supplements and should decrease the amount of food she consumes. This is done to ensure a safe delivery of the infant at birth.(Traditional Chinese Medicine,2012). The main idea behind this belief is to have a balance between warm and cool energy transferred to the body. This is not directly related to the temperature of the food bu...

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...f colostrum but wait until their breast milk is fully expressed. They instead rely on formula fed. The nurse should educate her patients on the importance of colostrum to the baby earlier during antenatal visits. The Vietnamese woman will consider her infant is healthy if they get fat, which signifies a healthy living. Mongolian spots, the bluish discoloration, which often is visible on the sacral region of infants, are very common in this ethnicity and should not be mistaken for abuse.

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