The Negative Impact Of Video Games And Violence In Society

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During these past few decades, technology has advanced drastically, especially in the aspects of gaming. At one point in history video games could only be playable at home, but now with all these improvements in technology, games can be easily played on our mobile devices. Likewise, these advancements in gaming have created endless possibilities for people of all ages to participate in this activity. Consequently, video games have influenced society and have impacted us in various ways.
Though many people have come to believe that there is a link between video games and violence in the real world, this has yet to be proven. Many people have begun to associate the violence in society with video games. Some people believe that violent video games …show more content…

According to David Raven’s article, scientists believe that war games such as Call of Duty, Destiny and Halo boost brain power more than brain training games because the quick reactions used in the game help improve problem solving techniques. In his article, Dr Shawn Green, a scientist, states that action games that feature quick moving targets that come in and out of view have positive cognitive impacts. He also states that action games have been associated with improving attention skills, brain processing and cognitive functions. As stated by the Statesman (AsiaNet), research has shown that playing video games may strengthen a range of cognitive skills such as “spatial navigation, reasoning, memory and perception” (“Shooter video games”). In the article, it is also stated that “A 2013 meta-analysis found that playing shooter video games improved a player’s capacity to think about objects in three dimensions, just as well as academic courses” which essentially puts video games and academic learning in the same direction. Ultimately, the nature of video games has always involved learning, although with research, it leads us to believe further that video games have a significant impact on our cognitive …show more content…

Video games that include violence have become recognized by numerous people and have been linked to the violence that occurs in the real world. Some people believe this statement to be true, but others find a lack of evidence to support these accusations. Not only has video games affected our outlook on violence, but also affected the way children behave. Researchers believe that the increase in aggressive behavior in children has to do with the violent games they play. While some researchers have this ideology that is backed up with their research, others believe it does the opposite. Scientists have become aware that if gamers play action games, their cognitive skills improve. With having more than half of the American population playing video games, multiple movies have become based off video games as a way to attract this audience and increase the popularity of movie industries. Thus, society will continue to be influenced by video games because it has become part of our lifestyle and with the advancement in technology, the influence will only become

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