Victor Frankenstein Case Report

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Today in court we had the case of four murders. We became aware of these cases due to Victor Frankenstein accusation against a creature he created himself. The victims were William Frankenstein, Justine Moritz, Henry Clerval and Elizabeth Frankenstein, born Lavenza. We listened to several witnesses and after a long time of consideration, the jury came to the following verdict.

First, we will review all the facts we learned today; the first person that was murdered was William Frankenstein, the prosecutor Victor Frankenstein’s younger brother. The Frankensteins went for a walk and William played at some distance with his brother when he went missing, His dead body was discovered by Justine Moritz on the next morning. Black finger marks on …show more content…

Victor Frankenstein testified that the creature he created visited him later and told him that he wanted to kidnap the child to make him his companion. However, when the creature found out that William was related to Victor Frankenstein it made him furious and he killed William. Our second victim was Henry Clerval, who was a close friend to Victor. They traveled around England but then went on separate paths, because Victor wanted to pursue some studies alone in Scotland. During this time he worked on creating a second monster, but destroyed it before finishing and then returned to England, where he got accused of murdering Henry, but this soon turns out as a mistake. In fact, Henry’s neck shows the same finger marks that were found on William's neck, leading to the assumption, that the Creature murdered Henry as well. The third murdered Person was Victor’s wife Elizabeth. Her murder occurred on their wedding night. Frankenstein left his new wife alone to hide because he assumed the creature was going to kill him after it threatened him with the words “I will be with you on your wedding night”. Sadly this …show more content…

After he was created he immediately got abandoned by Victor Frankenstein and by every other human being he met. Therefore he spent the first years of his life alone in the woods with nobody as a companion. He had to learn everything on his own and had to take care of himself. The creature kills William as a punishment for Victor because he left him alone. After that, he spent several months at the same cottage helping the residents in secret with tasks like collect firewood but the cottager pushed him away without being thankful for the help when they finally saw him. Because of that experience, the creature burns the cottage. Everyone is reacting in that way because the creature apparently is extremely ugly leading to everyone assuming he is a monster, without getting to know him in any way. After that, he visited Victor again giving him the opportunity to build another creature and he promised in return to leave every human civilization so that he'll never meet another human again. Frankenstein accepted this offer and started creating a companion but shortly before he finishes his task he completely destroys it again, with the creature watching. Therefore the creature had to look at his promised future getting torn apart in front of his eyes. As a revenge for destroying his future, the creature kills Henry and

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