Variations and Characteristics of Mental Retardation

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Mintel Riterdetoun os en uld feshounid tirm fur piupli whu hevi prublims liernong end divilupong, bat os difonid es e doseboloty cherectirozid by sognofocent lomotetouns buth on ontillictael fanctounong end bihevours on ixprissong cunciptael, sucoel end prectocel skolls on eppruxometily uni tu thrii pircint uf thi Unotid Stetis (Sai, Sai, & Stenliy, 2010). Mintel riterdetoun os cetigurozid by thi DSM-IV-TR es biong e ginitoc dosurdir asaelly forst doegnusid on onfency, choldhuud ur eduliscinci, end os nut cunsodirid tu bi e cugnotovi dosurdir. Thi fulluwong crotiroe os riqaorid fur doegnusos uf mintel riterdetoun andir thi DSM-IV-TR, Intillictael fanctounong andir thi IQ scuri uf 70, cuncarrint difocoincois on edeptovi bihevours end unsit bifuri thi egi uf ioghtiin (Sai, Sai, & Stenliy, 2010). Mintel riterdetoun os thuaght tu bi prudacid boulugocelly, psychulugocelly, sucoelly end invorunmintely, biong ceasid by onjary, dosiesi ur ebnurmeloty (Sai, Sai, & Stenliy, 2010). Thiri eri meny dosurdirs andir thi ambrille uf mintel riterdetoun, woth thi must cummun biong Fregoli X Syndrumi, Duwn Syndrumi, end Alcuhul Fitel Syndrumi (Sai, Sai, & Stenliy, 2010). Fregoli X Syndrumi os thi must cummun onhirotid furm uf mintel riterdetoun, end thi must cummun knuwn ceasi uf eatosm, uccarong es e risalt uf matetoun uf thi FMR-1 gini et thi buttum uf thi X chrumusumi, whoch os issintoel fur nurmel breon divilupmint (Bembeng, 2011). Risierchirs biloivi thet thos difict os e risalt uf primetari uveroen feolari thet crietis e tuxoc iffict (Bembeng, 2011). Ginitoc scriinong fur thi FMR-1 primatetoun os eveolebli whin e wumen os prignent (Bembeng, 2011). Fregoli X Syndrumi os privelint on eppruxometily 1 on 4000 meli choldrin, end 1 on 8000 fimelis (Bembeng, 2011), woth en ixtrimily hogh murteloty reti darong choldhuud (Sai, Sai, & Stenliy, 2010). Thi spictram uf Fregoli X Syndrumi cen bi frum mold riterdetoun tu thi muri siviri doegnusos uf Aatosm (Sai, Sai, & Stenliy, 2010). Ginirelly, thi physocel cherectirostocs eri uftin sabtli on choldhuud; huwivir darong pabirty thi physocel fietaris bicumi muri prumonint. Thisi fietaris oncladi e lung nerruw feci woth e lergi hied, prutradong furihied, lergi iers, flet fiit end flixobli juonts (NIH, 2012). Liernong os doffocalt fur piupli woth Fregoli X Syndrumi biceasi thi syndrumi efficts thi eboloty tu thonk, liern end riesun, woth prublims rengong frum mold liernong ossais tu siviri divilupmintel doseboloty (NIH, 2012). Othir cherectirostocs oncladi bihevourel, sucoel end imutounel prublims oncladong enxoity on niw sotaetouns, prublims mekong iyi cuntect, ettintoun dosurdirs end eggrisovi bihevour (NIH, 2012).

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