Exploring Utopian Ideals: A Quest for Perfection

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“Utopia is that which is in contradiction with reality” (Albert Camus).A utopia is an abstract society or community that possesses nearly perfect qualities that are greatly desired for its members. Utopia can be said as the perfect abode that has been designed so that no issues exist there.
Utopian ideals often place emphasis on principles of equality in the society’s economic, judicial and governing decisions. The method of implementation varies depending on the way different people perceive what it is to be an ideal society.

“And see the rising Sun, and feel it dart New rays of pleasance trembling to the heart.”(Samuel Taylor, 13-14) Pantisocracy which means equal or level government by all and for all was a utopian system devised in 1794 …show more content…

To get rid of those corruption, he thought of moving away from his property to have a fresh start in the wilderness. He along with other Pantisocrats hoped that people would be ruled by their own kindness. According to Southey, the utopian community that they had planned was to be built on two key principles: "Pantisocracy", which means government by all and "Aspheterism", which means the general ownership of property. They asked for people who could come together, share their lands and cultivate, divide the labour and live in peace and harmony. They envisioned a community who wouldn’t fight among themselves for money, power or any materialistic things. To make sure that no one has more power than another, some rules and regulations should be made within the community. Coleridge found Pantisocracy as a way to reduce greed among people in a society.
While talking about Utopia, it’s necessary to consider Dystopia as well. Dystopia is the exact opposite of Utopia. A dystopian world is also not similar to the present world. It speaks directly to the crisis in belief, for dystopia portrays a world in which no one wants to believe. Dystopian imaginaries, suggests what must be curtailed if the world should not end up the way it is portrayed. Dystopia, therefore is a lesser imagination than

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